current metal prices
For week of February 3-7
(updated 2-4-25)
Per Pound:
No. 1 Copper ---------------3.10
No. 2 Copper ---------------2.91
Sheet Copper --------------2.79
Ins. # 1 Copper 75% -----2.09
Ins. # 1 Copper 65% -----1.67
Ins. #2 Copper 65% ------1.58
Ins. # 2 Copper 45%--------.79
Ins. # 2 Copper 35% -------.37
Christmas Lights 25% -----.10
Brass -------------------------1.84
Dirty Brass -------------------.84
Brass Shells -----------------ask
Auto Radiators -------------1.81
Dirty Auto Rads -------------.81
Heater Cores ---------------1.30
Per Pound:
ALCU -------------------------1.23
Dirty ALCU --------------------.55
Extrusion ----------------------.49
Thermo Extrusion ----------ask
MLC ----------------------------.40
Painted Siding ---------------.47
Alum Cans --------------------.06 (NOT purchasing between Nov. 1 and May 1)
Sheet Alum -------------------.26
Old Sheet-Dirty --------------.24
Aluminum Wire --------------.60
Ins. Alum Wire ---------------.19
Red Line Alum Wire --------.05
Aluminum Radiators -------.30
Dirty Alum Rads -------------.07
Cast Alum ---------------------.32
Alum Auto Wheels ----------.45
Alum Truck Wheels ---------.40
Alum Chrome Wheels ------.35
Aluminum Breakage --------.04
Aluminum Turnings ---------.15
Die Cast/ Zinc ----------------.02
Other Misc. Metals:
Per Pound:
Lead ----------------------------.20
Lead Wheel Weights -------.01
Batteries----------------------- .04
Electric Motors ---------------.10
Transformers -----------------ask
Stainless Steel----------------.18
Magnesium -------------------ask
Compressors/Sealed Units ask
We also buy E-Scrap from computers (hard drives,motherboards, ram chips, disc drives, processors, power supplies) We purchase complete Desktop and Laptop Computers. We do NOT purchase computer monitors or Printers. We also purchase misc circuit boards.
Per Pound:
Circuitboards(sorted) Call for pricing
Processors -------------------.15 each
Hard Drives ------------------.02/pound
We also buy rechargeable batteries from power tools, cell phones, and laptops:
Per Pound:
Ni-MH(laptop, cell phone, power tool) ask
Lithium-ion (laptop) ask
Catalytic Converters are bought at a price per each one depending on the size and what it came off of.(Please see information about new law at the top of the home page)
For the Month of February 2025
Updated 2-4-25
Per Ton:
Shred: --------------------------------------80
Farm Equipment: ------------------------80
Prepared #1 Steel: (1/4"x3'x2') ------80
Prepared #2 Steel: (1/8"x3'x18") ----80
#1 Cast Iron: ----------------------------110 (Brake Drums/Rotors ONLY)
#2 Cast Iron: -----------------------------80
White Goods- Complete* -------------60
White Goods- Tore Down* ------------60
Please keep White Goods seperate from rest of the load. They must be examined and unloaded in a different place. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! To be purchased as Tore down appliances, please do the following:
Washers-Tear down top, front, and sides as much as possible from the drum -Remove any metal capacitors Dryers- Tear down top, front, and sides as much as possible from the drum -Remove any metal capacitors and if gas, remove any thermocouple
Dishwashers- Remove door and any metal capacitors
Ranges- Remove door and if gas, remove thermocouple
Furnaces- Remove any metal capacitors and thermocouples
Water Heaters- Drain and if gas, remove thermocouple
Microwaves- Tear down sides, top, and door. Remove any metal capacitors
Effective immediately, we are no longer accepting complete refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners.
Unprepared Steel: ---------------------50
Woven & Barb Wire -------------------80
Oversize/Combines/Tractors: -------30
Industrial Equipment ------------------40
Whole Car Bodies: --------------------80
(Fuel tanks and batteries must be removed. Cannot have excess glass or plastic and no garbage!) Any fuel tank left on or in the vehicle is subject to a $15 fee for us to remove it. Also, No loose scrap is allowed in the vehicles. It must be separated so it can be bought separately. Same thing goes for appliance metal. It HAS to be separate. NO EXCEPTIONS TO ABOVE!!!